Dan Arazi is the CEO of Machiato Technology Entrepreneurs (holding company) and Chairman & CEO of The Israel Aeroclub Gliding Association at Megido (a non profit organization).

Mr. Arazi was EVP, partner and Co-Founder at Orckit Communications, Founder and member of the Board of Directors at the DSL Forum, Founder and CMO of Siliquent Technologies (acquired by Broadcom Inc).

Arazi's resume also includes co-founding of Nexsig, Quix Technologies, TransStream, Serconet LTD, Remotability INC., Cellguide LTD., NorthHills, MediaDisc and Kastel Communications.

Recently, Mr. Arazi is mentoring several Internet related startup companies.

דוברים נוספים באירוע 2011 SmartCamp

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