Dr. Michael (Micky)  Rodeh

Dr. Michael (Micky) Rodeh

VP, Infrastructure Technology


Dr. Rodeh is located in Haifa, Israel and reports to IBM Corporate Development in Armonk. Before that he was VP, Technology Blending, in IBM Systems and Technology Group, focusing on IBM Storage portfolio. Prior to that, he managed the IBM Research and Development Labs in Israel, and before that – was Director, IBM Corporate Strategy, a professor at the Technion, and a researcher in the IBM Research Labs in Haifa, Yorktown, and Almaden.

Micky got his PhD in Computer Science from the Technion. He published many papers in data compression, graph algorithms, distributed algorithms, compiler technology, and more. He filed several patents. Micky got an IBM Outstanding Innovation Award for his work in compilation theory. He is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology.

דוברים נוספים באירוע 2011 SmartCamp

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